Office of the Registrar Forms

Services (16)

Academic Renewal Petition

A returning undergraduate student who has not attended NKU for a minimum of two full consecutive academic semesters may petition for academic renewal of NKU coursework on a one-time-only basis.

Course Time-Conflict Request

When attempting to register for a course that meets at the same time as another course in a student's schedule, special approval is required to be able to enroll in both courses.

Directory Information Restriction Removal Request

To remove the restriction directory information being stopped sharing with the public.

Directory Information Restriction Request

To request directory information to be restricted and not be released to the public.

Excess Hours Earned Appeal

Appeal for acceptance of excess hours earned as non-degree student

FERPA Waiver

As a student, you have the ability to select specific third party designees to have access to your student records and the types of information you wish to be provided.

GC3 Consortium Request: NKU Student

Enables students who are matriculated, degree-seeking students at a GC3 member institution to take courses at another GC3 member institution and pay the tuition at their home institution. Courses categorized as "workshops" are not available for Cross Registration.

GC3 Consortium Request: Visiting Student

Use this form to submit the completed, signed Greater Cincinnati Consortium of Colleges (GC3) cross-registration form.

Graduate Repeat Option Request

Graduate students are permitted to repeat a total of two courses. This form will allow you to request the application of a repeat option.

Graduation Invitation Letter Request Form

Commencement Invitation letter for US visa purposes. This Request is ONLY for International guest!

Multiple Sections Request

The request will assist in enrolling in multiple course sections of the same course.

Participate in Spring 2025 Commencement Request

Only submit this if you are wanting to participate in the Spring 2025 commencement but ARE NOT graduating.

Permit to Audit

Audited courses do not apply towards any degree or certificate program at NKU.

Undergraduate Pass/Fail Request

This request is only for students with junior standing or higher and cannot be used to fulfill specific general education, major, minor, or requirements