Academic Renewal Petition



  • This Academic Renewal Petition will be granted following the completion of the first twelve semester hours of degree credit courses, (developmental coursework will not meet this requirement) whether taken in one full-term or several part-time terms, at Northern Kentucky University upon return.
  • The student must obtain a grade-point average of 2.0 or higher in these twelve hours. If the student receives a grade-point average lower than 2.0, the Academic Renewal Petition will be denied.
  • A petition for Academic Renewal may be filed only once. Once the requirements have been met by the student and the petition has been processed, the official transcript will have the following notation for each term renewed: ACADEMIC RENEWAL DECLARED THIS TERM. This process cannot be reversed.
  • The signature of the chairperson must be obtained for approval of courses successfully completed in the term granted renewal that satisfy specific major/minor requirements.
  • Foundation of Knowledge courses in the Academic Renewal semester that are passed at an acceptable level can be used to satisfy a general studies requirement, but without awarding credit.
  • Upon completion of the twelve hours applicable to academic renewal, an updated copy of the transcript will be available via My Records on MyNKU.
  • It is the student's responsibility to contact Financial Assistance to determine the effects of academic renewal on past or future financial benefits. (859-572-5143 or

Who can request this service?

  • Faculty Advisor
  • Academic Advisor