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Services or Offerings?
Request this service to make a change to the name of the new person who will be taking over the fiscal responsibility for a Fund Center

If you are experiencing any issues using ESS/MSS, submit this form with additional information for us to assist you.

Log an issue if you are experiencing issues with Event Planning.

Request this service when you have something you need updated or changed to current production setup for example a change to a report.

File an issue if you are experiencing issues when making a payment online at myNKU or on the NKU mobile app.

Used to run a mass or batch process within SAP

Report issues experienced within myNKU

If you are having issue processing PARs, please use this form to request additional assistance.

Transport Request for SAP & Sigma development and configuration items

If you are having issues logging time or using the time reporting application, please submit this ticket to get further assistance.

Forget your password and need a reset, file a ticket and we will reset it.

If you have locked your account and need to get it unlocked, submit a ticket.

New access to SAP GUI