Degree Audit is an academic advising tool that monitors student progress toward the fulfillment of degree requirements. This tabulation tracks the course progression for overall university requirements, general education requirements, and program requirements.
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To submit a General Education re-mapping for a foundation of knowledge requirement:
Example: SOC 100 is counting in Individual and Society and you want it to count for Global Viewpoints.
To submit a substitution request for an unapproved course into a foundation of knowledge requirement:
- Must be submitted by an advisor
- Log into MyNKU Degree Audit
- Needs to have the appropriate approvals
(Vice Provost)
- Syllabus for unapproved course must be provided along with form
- View these instructions for General Education substitutions
Example: A student has transfer credit that came in as ENG 230, which is not an approved course for the Written Communication I foundation of knowledge
Submit your substitution for an unapproved course for a program requirement.
- Must be submitted by an advisor
- Log into MyNKU Degree Audit
- Needs to have the approval of the department chair
- View the instructions for this type of substitution
Example: Your program requires STA 205 but you have taken STA 212 and would like to substitute STA 212 for STA 205
Use this form to submit a waiver for a program requirement.
- Needs to have the approval of the department chair
- Must be submitted by an advisor
Waiver form