My Recently Visited Services

For use during the HANA Migration project to report issues experienced once the system is back online.

Request for setup for COIvCenter classes

Get assistance and advice on report building, application development, and other IT related activities.

Manually load data or modify scheduled load

Request Renewal of Access for Student Workers who will be continuing employment with your department

To request a book deferment for the Fall 2024 semester.

Reserve a cart of iPads for classroom use

Requesting the purchase of items which do not comply with the standard IT support list.

Request Access to Live Feeds or Recorded Footage

Submit a request if you have a question or issue related to the functionality of any software used at NKU.

This form is only for Professional Staff residing in one of the NKU Residential buildings. This form should be submitted AFTER the Pro-Staff member obtains their WPA2 password from the site.

Moving offices or internet not working - could be the wall network jack is inactive. Use this request to activate a port.

Specialty printing options at the Norse Tech Bar

Request a refund for a printing malfunction in a student computer lab.

To evaluate and measure vendor performance