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Services or Offerings?
Having trouble working within Canvas? Log an issue and we will be assist you shortly.

Provide centralized software support including installation, upgrades, troubleshooting and removal of software.

File an issue if you are experiencing issues when making a payment online at myNKU or on the NKU mobile app.

File an issue if you are experiencing issues when making a payment online at myNKU or on the NKU mobile app.

Report issues experienced within myNKU

Issue related to Admissions services within myNKU

Report an issue you are experiencing with myNKU

Report issues with your computer or laptop and any connected accessories such as mouse/keyboard/monitor.

Report an Issue, request assistance, suggest enhancements or just have a question, use this form to request assistance from the Reporting and Analytics team

Request assistance for a smart classroom equipment issue.

Report Printing Issues