Wireless Network FAQs


NKU uses several wireless networks: Norse_Net, and Norse_Guest, and the Residential Village Wireless Networks.  All users need to connect their devices to the new networks in order to access the internet and NKU services.

Detailed information on how to connect to each network can be found on the Connecting to the NKU Wireless Network page.

Frequently Asked Questions

How long should it take to connect my iPhone/iPad to Norse_Net?
Sometimes, iOS-based devices have trouble making a connection to the network.  When connecting to the network for the first time, it may take up to 2 minutes.

Why am I having trouble connecting to Norse_Guest outside?
If you are travelling across campus while attempting to connect a device to Norse_Guest, try to stay in one place.  Your device may have issues connecting while moving, since it is moving from one wireless access point to another.

Why do I have to log in to the NKU wireless network?
Logging in to the wireless network allows our network teams to better monitor network traffic in order to provide better data security and privacy for our users.

Do you monitor or restrict network traffic?  
Network traffic is monitored for security and operational purposes, to ensure campus resources are not being used for illegal or malicious purposes.  NKU may remove devices causing security or operational issues without prior notification or adjust bandwidth as necessary in order to provide connectivity to the NKU community so that they can complete the academic and business mission of the University.

All users must accept and adhere to the University Acceptable Use Policy, and the terms of services as presented in the Wireless login screens.

Which wireless network should I use?

  • NKU faculty, staff, and students should use Norse_Net while on the main campus.  Devices that should be connected include NKU-issued and/or personal devices (laptop, tablet, phone).
  • NKU residential students should use NKU Residential Wireless when in the Residential Village.  Devices that should be connected include personal devices (laptop, tablet, phone), game consoles, and streaming devices.
  • Guests of the university (parents, friends, vendors) should use Norse_Guest by creating a temporary guest account.
  • NKU faculty, staff, and students that need to connect alternative wireless devices (game consoles, streaming devices) on the main campus should use Norse_Guest logged in with their NKU username and password.  Students in the Residential Village can set up a private wireless network for their room with NKU MyWifi.

Detailed information on how to connect to each network can be found on the Connecting to the NKU Wireless Network page.






Article ID: 134255
Thu 9/9/21 10:42 AM
Mon 8/5/24 4:30 PM