Connecting to the NKU Wireless Network

This article explains the different wireless networks across the NKU campus, the requirements to join each wireless network, as well as the access of each wireless network.

In this Article


A video tutorial and answers to common questions can be found on the Wireless Network FAQs page.



Norse_Net is the recommended wireless network for all NKU Faculty, Staff, and Students.


The Norse_Net wireless network requires an active NKU account. When connecting to the Norse_Net wireless network, you will need to enter your NKU credentials to access the wireless network. If asked for a domain, enter "".



The Norse_Net wireless network grants access to all NKU internal services such as shared drives (J: and K: drives). 


How to Connect

  1. Open the Wi-Fi settings on your device (a NKU-issued Dell laptop is shown here), and click "NORSE_NET".

A screenshot showing NKU's wi-fi networks, with NORSE_NET selected.

  1. You will see a message asking if you wish to continue connecting.  Click "Connect".

A screenshot showing NKU's wi-fi networks, with NORSE_NET selected, and a message prompting the user if they wish to continue connecting.

  1. Enter your NKU username and password.

A screenshot showing a prompt to enter login credentials for NKU's wireless network, NORSE_NET.

  1. You will then be connected to NORSE_NET.

A screenshot showing that a user is connect to NKU's wireless network, NORSE_NET.


Additional Steps for iPhone and iPad

  1. Open the "Settings" app, then tap "Wi-Fi".  Tap the information icon for NORSE_NET.  Turn off "Private Address".

An iPad screenshot showing the settings for NKU's wireless network, NORSE_NET.

  1. Tap "NORSE_NET" and log in with your NKU username and password.

  1. If you have not connected to the network before, you will see a NKU's certificate page.  Tap "Trust".

  1. Your device will then connect to the network.



Norse_Guest is the recommended wireless network for any NKU guests, such as parents, friends of students, or vendors.  NKU students can also use Norse_Guest if they cannot connect their device to the Norse_Net wireless network.




Guest accounts will only have access to the Internet.  The Norse_Guest wireless network grants NKU Faculty, Staff, and Students limited access to NKU internal services such as shared drives (J: and K: drives).


How to Connect

Open the Wi-Fi settings on your device.

Note: If you are connecting an iPhone or iPad, first tap the information icon for NORSE_GUEST.  Turn off "Private Address".

  1. In the Wi-Fi settings on your device (an iPhone is shown here), and select "NORSE_GUEST".

An iPhone screenshot showing NKU's wi-fi networks.

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Thu 8/5/21 3:55 PM
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