Sometimes a video stored on Kaltura will need to be posted somewhere other than Canvas, like when there are colleges that utilize alternative learning platforms, such as TWEN for Chase College of Law. The best way to do this at present is to publish a Kaltura video as Unlisted, which means that anyone with the link can view it. In the future, it may be possible to gate the video behind a valid NKU login.
These instructions are applicable to videos created with Kaltura Classroom, videos imported from Zoom cloud recordings, and videos manually uploaded to Kaltura.
- First, go to, our implementation of the Kaltura Media Space at NKU. This is a very convenient place to get an overview of all of your Kaltura videos.
- In the top-right corner, click on GUEST, and then Login. You will be directed to our Single Sign-On page, or if you are already logged in to another NKU service in the current browser session, you should automatically be logged in.
- In the horizontal navigation area beneath the logo, select My Media. Here you will see a list of every video on your Kaltura account, with the most recent at the top.
- Is your video missing? A common mistake is forgetting to add your username to the recording description as described by the Kaltura Classroom instructions, which causes it to be uploaded to CITE instead of your own account. Please reach out to CITE to recover your video. You will need the dates, times, and names of any missing videos.
- Edit the video that you want to share using the pencil icon on the right side of the row for that video.
- Below the video, select the Publish tab.
- In the Publish tab, select the Unlisted option and click Save. The blue informational box will turn green to confirm success.
- Scroll back to the top of the page and find the < Back to Media Page link in the top left, right above the video. You can right click this and Copy Link, or you can click this to go to the video page and copy the URL from the address bar of your browser.
From here, now that you have the link and the page is viewable by anyone who follows it, you can share it wherever you deem appropriate. For TWEN, you may share it as a web link, or you may include it in one of your content pages.