Student use – Submitting a video from Kaltura


showing the process for a student to submit their Kaltura video through the text entry tool


1. When submitting your assignment choose the Text Entry tab. The tools may be collapsed depending on window size, if that is the case click the three dots to open and see the full list. Then click the Kaltura icon Kaltura Logo  . If you do not see a Text Entry tab for this assignment you may need ot contact your instructor to turn this feature on as an assignment submission option.

Text Entry Tab with expanded tools highlighting the Kaltura Icon 


2. A list of videos under your account should appear, hit the Select button to the right of the one you wish to use. 

example video with Select button shown to the right of it 


3. If your recording is still on your device and hasn’t been uploaded to Kaltura yet you can click +Add New in the upper right of this page and then select Media Upload. 

+Add New button expanded to show the Media Upload button 


4. You should see your video now in the initial text bot, hit Submit Assignment. 

Submit Assignment 



Article ID: 130886
Mon 3/29/21 9:25 AM
Thu 11/30/23 9:15 AM