New Accessibility Tools in Canvas
We are excited to announce a new suite of tools to help faculty improve the accessibility of the content within their courses. Yuja Panorama replaced Blackboard Ally in early June.
We know that changing tools is often an awkward process of learning a new interface and workflow, but we are very happy to say that Panorama offers an extremely similar experience of in-line suggestions and remediation advice, but also offers you the ability to make some of the changes in just one click, without needing to download a document, make changes, save it, and re-upload it to the right places.
You will see a new icon system when Panorama takes effect that looks like the image below.

We are very eager to get started with this new tool and are happy to answer any questions you have about it at For more information you can see some of the guides provided by YuJa:
• An overview to Panorama
• Accessing Alternative File Formats in Panorama
• Getting Started with Panorama for Instructors in Canvas