NKU's new pay-for-print solution, Papercut, allows users to print documents from any networked printer on campus using any device connected to NKU’s Wi-Fi. You can print using the Papercut web portal, or you can use Mobility Print. This allows you to add an NKU printer to your device and print without logging in to Papercut.
Please note that your device must be connected to Norse_Net (not Norse_Guest or Norse_Village).
In this Article
Web Printing
Web Printing will only print single-sided, black-and-white. For other printing options, use Mobility Print.
In your browser, go to https://papercut.hh.nku.edu. Log in using your NKU username and password.

You will be taken to the Web Print screen. Click the "Submit a Job" button".

On the next page, select a printer from the list. Then click the "Print Options and Account Selection" button at the bottom of the page.

The next page will allow you to specify the number of copies to print. Next, click the "Upload Documents" button at the bottom of the page.

Mobility Print allows you to add an NKU printer to your device and print without logging in to Papercut. To get started, click "Mobility Print" in the left navigation.

A page will open in a new tab. Select your operating system to begin. The supported operating systems are Windows, Mac, Chromebook, iOS, and Android.

Click "Download Mobility Print" to download the Papercut client for Windows. This is needed to allow Papercut to find and install NKU printers on your Windows machine.

After downloading and running the installer, you will be prompted to add NKU printers to your machine. Check the printer(s) to add, then click "Next".

Enter your NKU Username and Password, then click "Next".

The printer(s) will show on your machine when printing.

You are able to use Mobility Print on your Mac natively - no downloads needed. Simply follow the instructions below to add a printer to your machine, then print normally.

You are able to use Mobility Print on your iPhone or iPad natively - no app needed. Simply follow the instructions below select an NKU printer, then print normally.

Click "Install Mobility Print" to download the Papercut app for Android. This is needed to allow Papercut to find NKU printers on your Android device.

When using an NKU printer, you will be asked to confirm using Mobility Print. Enter your NKU Username and Password, then tap "Print".

Click "Install Mobility Print" to download the Papercut app. This is needed to allow Papercut to find NKU printers on your Chromebook.

When printing, you will see "Mobility Print" next to the available NKU printers.

Supported File Types for Printing
Microsoft Excel |
Microsoft PowerPoint |
Microsoft Word |
Picture Files |
Other File Types |
- xlam
- xls
- xlsb
- xlsm
- xlsx
- xltm
- xltx
- pot
- potm
- potx
- ppam
- pps
- ppsm
- ppsx
- ppt
- pptm
- pptx
- doc
- docm
- docx
- dot
- dotm
- dotx
- rtf
- txt
- bmp
- dib
- gif
- jfif
- jif
- jpe
- jpeg
- jpg
- png
- tif
- tiff