Voicemail - Setting up a New Mailbox

  1. From your desk phone, press the "message" button
  2. When prompted, enter your PIN (The default PIN is 123456), then press #.  You will then be automatically prompted to:
    1. Set up recorded name
      1. After the tone, record your first and last name, then press #. Your newly recorded name will play.  Press # to keep it, or press 1 to re-record.
    2. Record personal greeting
      1. The system greeting will play
        1. To keep the system greeting press #
        2. To record a personalized greeting, press 1.  At the tone, record your greeting, then press #. Your newly recorded greeting will play.  Press # to keep it or, press 1 to re-record your greeting.
    3. Change PIN
      1. Enter your new PIN, then press #.   Your PIN must meet the following requirements:
        1. Minimum of 6 Digits
        2. No consecutive digits (ex. 1234 or 4321)
        3. No single digit repeated (ex. 1111)
        4. Cannot include your extension (forward or backward)
      2. Confirm your new PIN
        1. Re-enter the new PIN, then press #
    4. Change your directory listing status
      1. Users can be listed in the directory so callers can search for you by name and extension.  You will be notified by the system if you have the ability to change your status, and if you are listed in the directory.
        1. To change listing status, press 1.  For help, press 2.
    5. Finish Enrollment
      1. After completing setup, wait until you hear "you have finished enrollment", followed by the main menu options.  You must wait for this prompt, or you will be prompted to set up your mailbox the next time it is accessed.  To exit voice mail, press *.



Article ID: 154870
Wed 4/12/23 4:00 PM
Wed 4/12/23 4:00 PM