Updating Status of Projects in TeamDynamix

Project Status Updating in TDx

If you are listed as Manager on a project you will be expected to provide weekly updates on the current status on your assigned projects.  To do this you will go into the Technician Portal and navigate to the My Work Tab or the Projects/Workspaces Tab.  

In this Article


Project Updates in My Work Tab

Steps to Perform updates on the My Work Tab:

  1. Click on My Managed Projects
  2. Find the Project you wish to provide an Update
  3. Click on the Quick Action "Update Button"


Project Updates in Projects/Workspaces Tab

Steps to Perform updates on the Projects/Workspaces Tab:

  1. Click on Projects/Workspaces
  2. Scroll on the left navigation to find the project you want to update
  3. Click on the Project Name
  4. Click on Manage
  5. Click on the Green "Update"


Update Screen Features

The Main Features that you will want to be aware of and update are:

  1. Status - There are 3 Statuses a project can be in:
    1. New
    2. In Process
    3. On Hold
  2. Health - Overall how is your project going.  Are you on time and things are progressing well or are you way off track and experiencing many issues?  There are 4 Health stages a project could be in:
    1. None - Typically used for New projects or projects that are On Hold.  Once a project is In Process you will use the other three stages.
    2. Green - All is well. The Project is on time and no major issues are being experienced
    3. Yellow - Caution. Progress is being made, but taking longer than expected, some issues are being experienced and we are not sure if the project deadline can be reached as expected.
    4. Red - Warning! Progress has stopped or is severely off schedule.  Major corrective actions are needed.  The expected deadline will not be met.
  3. Percent Complete - How far along the project are you completed with.  If you manage your project within TeamDynamix and have detailed tasks, you can see percent complete under the Plans area of the project.  Otherwise
  4. Comments - This is where you will provide your narrative as to what was accomplished since the last update and any upcoming things of note that you want to let others know about. 



Article ID: 134600
Mon 10/4/21 10:02 AM
Mon 10/4/21 10:14 AM