How to Replace a File Without Having to Upload and Relink
This is useful should you already have everything where you want it to be but a file turns out to be broken and you need to replace it.
First, go to the Files section of your course. Locate the file you will be replacing and dowload the file by clicking the three dots on the far right, then Download.
Due to the improper naming structure they will look slightly different ( an underscore “_” instead of a colon “ : “) We will need ot fix that.
After the “02” add a period “ . “ and remove the space between the 02 and PPT. It should look like the line in the image below. Since you are adding the extension to this file you will get a prompt, click Add. Your file should now work as a PowerPoint file.
We will now need ot go back to the Files section in the Canvas course and rename the file we will be replacing to look exactly like the one we made. Find the file, click the three dots to the right and click Rename. And change it as needed, in this case the file should be changed too “ENGAGE_ 02.PPT”
Once the name is changed hit the check mark.
You can now click Upload in the very top right of the Files section or drag the working file onto the files section to add it. If the files were named the same you should get this prompt:
Hit Replace. If you do not see this prompt and the file is added without issue and you see both of them then that means there is something different and you will need to compare to see what that is. A sure fix is to just copy and paste the name you want on both.