Computer Purchasing

Computer Replacement Program

Most NKU computers are replaced regularly with funding allocated from our annual Computer Replacement Program.

Purchasing hardware outside of our Computer Replacement Program

If you choose to purchase equipment out of departmental funds instead, we have negotiated deals with certain vendors. Please visit our technology procurement page designed for purchases outside our annual replacement program.

Technology Procurement change to workflow

Technology items in excess of $500 that are procured using the technology-related material groups listed below will have an additional workflow approval through the Office of Information Technology. Your process of submission and existing workflows will not change, but just prior to Procurement receiving the requisition, the Office of Information Technology will be included in the workflow. This will help to improve our fiscal management for technology purchases and help support related activities.


Code Material Group
20020920 PrePaid Comp Maint
30065954 Contr Svcs-Computer
50055610 Supplies-Data Proc
50057204 Tech Equip/Sft <$500
51015545 Comp Equ 500-4999
51020285 Aud/Vis Equ 500-4999
52660916 Cable Television
52710984 Rental-Computer
73710206 Computer Equ State
52725939 Maint- Computer
52730939 Maint-Software
52745208 Site Lic-Software
70035204 Netwrk Cabling State
70040206 Netwrk Elecrcl State
70115680 Audi/Vis Equ >5000
70130209 Comp.Printers >5000
70135209 Computer Equ >5000
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Article ID: 124602
Thu 1/14/21 1:34 PM
Tue 2/27/24 4:22 PM